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Le modèle social français
The French social model
«I do not believe that the British social model is a model that we should copy or envy.»
   -- Jacques Chirac
«The French social model is neither inefficient nor outdated. It has a great ambition which can be expressed simply: permanently to level up. We must keep it. In a way it's our national genius. It's a necessity.»
   -- Jacques Chirac
301 photos posted so far. As those guys are starving in our streets, young lazy crooks and old communist trade unionists demonstrate in the streets to avoid having to work. France is getting better every day.


Place de la Concorde

Porte de Clignancourt

Rue Royale


Gare Saint Lazare


Courtesy U*U - Thanks dude!

Place Jules Joffrin


Métro Jules Joffrin


Rue de Châteaudun

Rue Taibout

Rue La Fayette


Boulevard Saint-Michel

Métro Châtelet

Place de Clichy

Place de la Bastille

Quai de la Megisserie

Rond-point des Champs-Elysées

Rue de l'Isly

Rue Jean Lantier


Boulevard de la Madeleine

Boulevard Saint Michel

Métro Barbès-Rochechouart

Métro Colonel Fabien -- French Communist Party headquarters...

Place Jules Joffrin

Rue Soufflot


Place Jules Joffrin


Métro Jules Joffrin


Métro Jules Joffrin

Métro Place d'Italie

Place de la République


Gare Saint Lazare
A picture is worth a thousand words. No hype, no propaganda: Here are pictures of actual France, shot on-the-fly with my cell phone.

Officials lecture, facts don't lie.
France is dying, and that's the best it can do.

2005-12-25 / 2006-01-01 / 2006-01-08 / 2006-01-15 / 2006-01-22 / 2006-01-29 / 2006-02-12 / 2006-02-19 / 2006-02-26 / 2006-03-05 / 2006-03-12 / 2006-03-19 / 2006-03-26 / 2006-04-09 / 2006-04-23 / 2006-05-07 / 2006-05-21 / 2006-07-09 / 2006-07-30 / 2007-08-05 / 2007-08-26 / Current Posts

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