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Le modèle social français
The French social model

Métro Saint Michel

Rue Tronchet

Eglise de la Madeleine

Boulevard Hausmann

Boulevard Hausmann -- several meters further

Boulevard Hausmann -- on the other side of the road

Place Jules Joffrin
That's propaganda. Try going to the U.K. (ever tried London?) and see what's happening there. Do you think is far better? That's a cruel world to live in for everyone, even for you, understanding things is hard with such objectivity.
Giulio David
First, did you just come and spend several weeks in Paris?
Second, don't you think there's a link between Red Ken Livingston policies and homelessness in London?
Third, who do you think you're fooling? I take pictures of what I can, not even what I see, which is far worse: try to figure that what you can see here is not as dramatic as French reality actually is.

Keep on objecting reality, you'll become a good French.
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A picture is worth a thousand words. No hype, no propaganda: Here are pictures of actual France, shot on-the-fly with my cell phone.

Officials lecture, facts don't lie.
France is dying, and that's the best it can do.

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